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BEAUTY TALK: 5 products worth re-buying

BEAUTY TALK: 5 products worth re-buying

While I am not one to shy away from testing new products, I am also someone who loves to stay true to things that work (for me). As a blogger, I often get spoiled by brands and get to try my way through tons of amazing things. Some never make it on the blog (usually because I don’t like the product or it doesn’t agree with my sensitive skin), but others become true favorites and a fixed part of my daily routine. Earlier this week, I stopped into KaDeWe in Berlin to re-buy my current favorite lipgloss by Chanel, when the idea of this post came to me. Personally, I think re-buying products is the biggest compliment you can give a certain brand or product, especially if a lipgloss runs at 27€ … I tried on a few other options of the same lipgloss, but nothing beats the one that is about to run out. Which is why I am sharing my personal top 5 products totally worth re-buying with you guys today.

5 beauty products worth re-buying | Bikinis & Passports

1. Chanel lipgloss “levres scintillantes 192”: This is part of the Spring 2015 look and it actually took me a few weeks to open this one. The bright red scared me off at first, but it is so subtle when applied, that it is now part of my daily make-up routine. My favorite part about the gloss, is that it also feels like a balm. Not in terms of consistency, but rather the effect it has on the lips. Ever since I’ve been using this lipgloss, I haven’t really had problems with chapped or dry lips. In the current issue of Vogue, I read that it is a limited edition, however, the guy at the Chanel counter in Berlin told me it is part of their regular selection – hopefully he was right!

5 beauty products worth re-buying | Bikinis & Passports

2. Origins GinZing mascara: For this category, I had a close runner-up. While I’ve used this mascara for years (I think I am on tube no. 4 or 5), I also started using the perversion mascara by Urban Decay in Fall, which I absolutely love. Just last week though, I went back to the Origins GinZing mascara and will probably be using it for the rest of Summer.

5 beauty products worth re-buying | Bikinis & Passports

3. La Roche-Posay bb cream in “light”: You guys know I don’t use foundation and have stuck to bb creams for ages. With my dry skin, this is basically the only coverage that seems to work for me, especially during Winter with the harsher weather. After using Kiehl’s bb cream for a long time, I switched to the La Roche-Posay product towards the end of last year and am currently on my 3rd bottle. While I was taking the pictures for this post, I actually noticed that they changed the packaging, so the cleaner looking one is probably what you’ll now find in the pharmacies.

5 beauty products worth re-buying | Bikinis & Passports

4. Bobbi Brown shimmer brick “Pink Quartz”: I am all about bronzers, which is no secret. I think the slight brownish, golden hues work really well with my freckles and blue eyes, so I usually prefer bronzing products on my cheeks, rather than a blush. After they changed the formula on my all-time favorite Too Faced “pink leopard” bronzer, I had sort of been looking for an alternative. Last year, I stumbled across the Bobbi Brown shimmer bricks and it was love at first sight. This is a product that last forever (!!) and I have been using this one daily for at least 6 months. While I definitely don’t want it to run out, it is a product that I will re-buy for sure!

5 beauty products worth re-buying | Bikinis & Passports

5. MAC mineralize skin finish in “medium”: Just like I don’t use foundation, I am also not crazy about too much powder. All I want/need is a light finishing touch, which is where the mineralize skin finish by MAC comes into play. This has been my go-to powder for at least 5 years (remember THIS super old post?!) and it simply works for me. This is probably a product that I have re-bought the most out of all, as I go through about 2 compacts per year. You can do the math.


What are some products that you catch yourself re-buying? I’d love to hear your suggestions or if any of you use the products mentioned above!


  • Lisa
    10 years ago

    Schöne Post Idee. Ich bin auch immer wieder glücklich, wenn ich ein Produkt gefunden habe was für mich funktioniert. Dann kaufe ich es liebend gerne nach.
    Finde es übrigens super erfrischend zu sehen, dass dein Bronzer nach 6 Monaten auch nicht mehr wie geleckt aussieht und du ihn auch so zeigst.

    Ich schleiche ja schon lange um die Shimmer Bricks von Bobbi Brown herum aber bis jetzt habe ich immer gezögert, weil es mir nach zu viel Glitzer aussieht. Die und das Mac Puder werde ich beim nächsten Douglas Besuch nochmal genauer unter die Lupe nehmen.

    xo Lisa <3

    • vicky
      10 years ago

      Liebe Lisa,

      danke dir für den Kommentar. Also ich persönlich finde den Shimmer Brick eigentlich kaum glitzernd. Es ist ein Mix aus Bronzer und Highlighter, der der Haut einen tollen Glow verleiht. Ich würde einfach mal recht natürlich geschminkt zu Douglas oder direkt in den neuen Bobbi Brown Store gehen und ihn mir auftragen lassen. Ich persönlich liebe ihn heiß und innig (wie man unschwer erkennt), aber kann gut sein, dass durch die Sommersprossen das Glitzer etwas unter geht und weniger intensiv wirkt.

      Ganz liebe Grüße,

  • 10 years ago

    Den Shimmer Brick von Bobbi Brown wollte ich mir heute kaufen und leider gab es ihn in dem Douglas-Store nicht mehr 🙁 Habe mir jetzt eine Alternative von “Estee Lauder” gegönnt..ich bin mal gespannt 😉
    Mein Lieblingsprodukt das ich permanent nachkaufe ist übrigens die Dior Iconic Mascara…gibt wohl kaum eine bessere (für mich). Lg Corinna

  • 10 years ago

    Ich schätze, ich werde, was Foundation angeht, bei Bare Minerals bleiben. Nachdem ich eine Probe aufgebraucht hatte, habe ich jetzt ein Set gekauft. Bei mir sehr selten, sowas. Womöglich werde ich auch einen Toner und eine Gesichtsscreme nachkaufen, die in der Glossybox waren.
    Ich stimme dir zu. Es ist ein Ritterschlag, wenn man in der heutigen Fülle an Produkten eines nachkauft.
    Der Lipgloss würde mich auch interessieren, da bin ich momentan bei Dior und zufrieden 🙂
    Liebste Grüße
    Kali von Miss Bellis Perennis

  • Ksenia
    10 years ago

    Liebe Vicky, ein schöner Post, könntest du dir vielleicht vorstellen einen Post zu machen, indem du bestimmte Beautyprodukte empfiehlst, die besonders für Leute mit Neurodermitis geeignet sind? (bzw. die für deine Haut geeignet sind…)
    Ich habe auf deinem Blog schon davon gelesen, dass du auch unter Ekzemen und trockener Haut leidest und das wäre wirklich interessant! 🙂

  • 10 years ago

    Zurzeit liebe ich knallig rote Lippen sehr, da hoffe ich mal, dass man den Chanelgloss wirklich noch findet- ich bin ganz verliebt in die Farbe♥

    Liebe Grüße

  • 10 years ago

    I also don´t like to cake on the coverage, and almost never use a foundation. My favourite sunscreen is from La Roche-Posay, so I think I will need to try the BB cream, especially since I also need it to be moisturizing 🙂

  • 10 years ago

    I so need to try the BB cream you just mentioned! I’ve been having so much troubles with my skin lately…I had the neurodermitis kind of under control but since I moved here it’s been getting worse… Since you also have similar problems, I think I’ll give some of these a go 😉

    Have a great weekend!

    Rosie’s Life

  • 10 years ago

    I love that Bobbi Brown shimmer brick! Great subtle highlighter! I keep on buying the Bourjois CC cream. I just love it. I’ve tried other CC Creams like Chanel, Nars or Bare Minerals, but none of them equals the smooth beautiful finish of Bourjois’ CC cream on my skin. It looks and feels so natural!

  • 10 years ago

    die bb cream von la roche hab ich noch nicht probiert, mit der effaclar waschlotion bin ich aber total zufrieden!

    ich denk ich werd die auch mal austesten, wie die für mich funktioniert, ist eine echt tolle Marke 🙂

    Lieber Gruß

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