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BEAUTY TALK: haircare for sunny days

BEAUTY TALK: haircare for sunny days

First of all: A big fat “Thank You” to technology … I am currently about 36.000 ft. above the ground, flying over Canada and am able to blog while the sun is rising outside ♥ Doesn’t get much bettter! Where am I going? Well, we’re off to spend NYE in Vancouver, and then on the 1st day of the new year we’re boarding a plane towards lots of sunshine, palm trees and coconuts – more details on that coming soon! But of course, my bags are already packed with lots of bikinis, sunscreen and something new for my hair: the “Farbglanz Braun Shampoo” by Guhl. Don’t get me wrong, I am usually a fan of sun-bleached beach hair during the summer, but I JUST went to get my hair cut literally 5 days ago and love the current state it is in. Since I get pretty pale during winter, I prefer my hair a little darker and a more rich shade of brown, so I am giving this new shampoo with kukui nut a try. It supposedly gives the hair color more depth, while maintaining a rich brown color and adding moisture. Sounds good to me! I’ll be sure to give you an update on things once we’re back mid-January. Now, please excuse me while they serve breakfast here before touching down in about 2 hours. Happy holidays, everyone!

haircare: Guhl Farbglanz Baun Shampoo

haircare: Guhl Farbglanz Baun Shampoo haircare: Guhl Farbglanz Baun Shampoo haircare: Guhl Farbglanz Baun Shampoo

*in collaboration with Guhl – all opinions are my own


  • 11 years ago

    Ja das ist schon cool! Als ich kürzlich von Philly nach Miami geflogen bin hatten wir auch WLAN an Bord. Gibts das jetzt auch schon auf Transatlantikflügen?
    Bin gespannt was du zu dem Shampoo sagst. Ich bin ja noch nicht sooo überzeugt von den ganzen farb-spezifischen Shampoos.
    Wünsch euch einen schönen Urlaub!! 🙂

  • 11 years ago

    Oh, ich möchte auch so gern nach Vancouver. Viel Spaß!

  • 11 years ago

    Ah wie cool! Ich wünsche dir schöne Tage in Kanada und in der Sonne! <3


  • 11 years ago

    Hey, ja dass ist ziemlich praktisch mit dem WLan 🙂
    Also zu diesem Shampoo kann ich bisher noch nichts sagen, da bin ich auch gespannt, wie es dir gefällt, aber ich habe vor einiger Zeit mal den “Vorgänger”, so nenne ich das jetzt einmal, benutzt, aus den gleichen Gründen wie du (ich habe auch ungefähr die gleiche Haarfarbe, wie du) und der hat mir eigentlich sehr gut gefallen! Das Haar hat auf jeden Fall, auch bei stärkerer Sonneneinstrahlung im Sommer seine ursrprüngliche Farbe behalten und ist nach meinem Empfinden nahezu nicht aufgehellt worden durch die vielen Sonnestrahlen. : )
    Wünsche dir auch eine schöne Reise und bin schon gespannt auf neue Outfitinspirationen ;))

  • 11 years ago

    That is amazing technology indeed!
    And oh lucky you, travelling to Vancouver & afterwards to some place hot. I’m pretty damn jealous :p on the other hand I can’t wait to hear where you’re going to!
    Anyway, have fun ! xx

  • Maggie
    11 years ago

    Welcome to Canada! Have a wonderful NYE before your sunny vacation!

  • Eli
    11 years ago

    Hi dear, i know this is out of topic but I’m in a louis vuitton emergency right now… I’m not sure about the neverfull because it is open and I heard that the 2 handles hurt the shoulder after a while. What do you think..I’m really interested about your opinion since you always rave about this bag. Can u tell me some pros and cons?? Thanks you so much and happy holydays

  • 11 years ago

    Hey Vicky,

    thanks for your post. Please keep us up-dated on your experience with the shampoo. I’ve lived in Germany for a while and often used GUHL shampoos, but never got around to use the one you are testing now. I currently stay in Cape Town and always get friends to bring me my favourite GUHL shampoos from overseas as we don’t get them here. Depending on your opinion I might change my ‘order’ in future. 🙂 Looking forward to hearing from you.
    Happy new year!

  • 11 years ago

    I hope you have a safe trip and enjoy the NYE! Time flies by so fast! Haha!
    I love his blog!

    Kisses from India!

  • Ingrid
    11 years ago

    Liebe Vicky,

    was für traumhafte Bilder. Shampoos von Guhl mag ich unglaublich gerne. Besonders dieses Farbglanzshampoo für braune Haare gehört zu meinen Lieblingsshampoos. lg Ingrid

  • […] Some of you may remember THIS post about the Guhl “Farbglanz Braun” shampoo. Well, I’ve been using it regularly since […]

  • […] volume, I still like to experiment with new products. After being really happy with the “Farbglanz Braun” shampoo by Guhl, I had the opportunity to try their new “Langzeit Volumen” line. It promises up […]

  • […] Guhl really impressed me. I used a whole bunch of Guhl products for my hair last Winter (remember this post?) and so it actually doesn’t come as a surprise, that I love the new line. Not to mention the […]

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