5 days of Detox Delight – a full review
After last night’s huge Christmas feast, I realized that I still owe you guys the second part of my 5-day Detox Delight review. Perfect timing, huh? For those just tuning in now, you can read about my motives to detox and the first 2 days HERE. For everyone else, let me sum it up in one short sentence: I’d do it again in a heart beat!
There has been a lot of controversy about “detoxing” and trust me, I’ve read articles both pro and con. I’ve done my research and decided for myself, that I personally wanted to try it and make up my own opinion. I am no scientist and by all means, I can not explain what exactly went on in my body during those 5 days. I do not know if toxins actually left my body, or if the liver and kidneys already do a good enough job. All I know is that I loved the results and felt amazing. Some people go on yoga retreats, others head to Las Vegas to wind down. Some like to treat themselves with a delicious burger or pizza, others detox. It is easy as that. Everyone gets to make their own decision on how they want to spend their time (or money) and treat their body. I decided to drink juices for 5 days together with my best friend, and guess what: I liked it.
Day 3 I woke up excited because I knew I was having another soup for dinner. When you detox you feel cold all the time, so the thought of a warm “meal” at night sounded amazing. While sipping on our first juice (lemonade) of the day, Kathi and I realized that our headache was completely gone. I felt so much better on the third day. I did feel a slight pulling in my back and legs, similar to very minor cramps, which we figured was from the lymph nodes working. It is recommended to have a lymph drainage massage during the detox, which we forgot to schedule. We called around on day 3 but weren’t able to get a slot anywhere … However, at night, I even went to the gym and power-walked at 6km/h for 35 minutes and then did some ab exercises. I did notice, that I had less energy than usual, but it felt so good to sweat for a little and for the first time since the detox I didn’t feel cold.
Day 4 Was easy and uncomplicated. I woke up before the alarm clock rang for the first time in weeks and felt well-rested and excited to get the day started. More than halfway done and the end was in sight. The juices still tasted good and we got through the day at the office really well. At night I took a hot bath (no soup for dinner) and was cuddled in bed at 9:55pm on a Friday night.
Day 5 Last day! I woke up at 6:07am on a Saturday (!!) and for some reason I was even a bit sad about my juicing coming to an end. I took extra long to enjoy every last juice. I had some meetings that day, so I took one for on the go. Due to timing difficulties I had almost 4 hours (instead of the recommended 2) between juices and for the first time in those 5 days I felt a tiny bit hungry and light headed/shaky. At night, Kathi came over, and together we celebrated our pumpkin & carrot soup and the end of our 5-day cleanse.
Post-Detox: It has now been 10 days since we finished detoxing, and from my experience I can totally recommend it. The whole process was really interesting and I feel like I learned a lot about portions and what my body actually needs. Post-detox, I had no desire to eat pizza or a burger, instead I enjoyed an apple and some peanut butter, salads and soups. Just two days after detoxing, Kathi and I actually threw on my juicer and made a big jug of beetroot juice for breakfast. In total, I lost 5 pounds (2.5 kgs), and until now I’ve gained back 2 pounds (1kg) even though I’ve eaten normal meals. I’ve noticed that I actually understand the meaning of being “full” now, and most of the time I stop eating before it gets to a point where you’re not feeling well anymore. Because let’s face it, that feeling of a belly that is about to explode should be reserved for moms-to-be. It is neither fun nor healthy to stuff yourself, and through detoxing I’ve learned to listen to my body more. Plus, I feel like I have been much more energetic since the detox. I go through my to-do lists with motivation and can concentrate a lot better while working. It seems easier to get things done!
Detoxing can be very different from person to person. Kathi started feeling hungry on day 4, I never felt hungry. Some have terrible headaches (as I did those first few days), others go 5 days without any side effects. Just like all our bodies are different, the reactions and results to detoxing are also very individual. Personally, I’ll probably detox again some time next year, because I feel like giving our body some sort of a break every once in a while sounds like a good idea. It is the perfect chance to reset your body and habits, t0 start with a clean and healthy slate.
Have any of you done a juice cleanse or tried Detox Delight? How did it go for you? I’d love to know, simply leave a comment below!
*a big thank you to Detox Delight for supporting our detox!
Ich hab mal 3 Tage eine Saftkur gemacht und muss sagen, dass es mir leider nicht so gut gegangen ist wie euch – hatte ständig Kopfschmerzen und mir war schwindlig :-/ Was ich allerdings öfter mache ist ein Saft-Tag zwischendurch wo ich dann auch nur selbstgepresste Säfte und Tee trinke – mit dem komm ich irgendwie besser zurecht 🙂 Was ich gerne mal für längere Zeit machen möchte ist Basenfasten – das werd ich im neuen Jahr probieren.
Ich wünsch dir frohe Weihnachten!
Liebe Grüße
Hi Kathi,
also mir ist es erst am 3. Tag besser gegangen und am 4. und 5. dann erst recht. Ich glaube, die ersten Tage ist der Körper stark auf “Entzug” und daher geht es einem nicht so gut. Wie im 1. Teil auch geschrieben, waren die Tage am Anfang wirklich nicht easy & wir hatten mit Kopfschmerzen, Müdigkeit usw. zu kämpfen.
xox Vicky
Hallo, auch ich habe vor knapp 2 Wochen meine Detox Delight Kur gestartet. Die ersten 2 Tage hatte ich höllische Kopfschmerzen aber als ich am 3 Tag erwachte, fühlte ich mich wie neu geboren. Hunger hatte ich all die 5 Tage nicht und selbst danach waren meine Heißhunger Attacken verschwunden. Heute, 10 Tage nach der Entgiftung fühle ich mich noch immer sehr gut, ernähre mich bewusster und freue mich über 2 kg weniger. Schöne Feiertage Birgit
This sounded really good, I liked to read an actual opinion from someone who just went through the detox! I’ve been playing with the idea of doing a detox, not really to lose weight, but to see if it would help with my skin issues and energy issues (lately I’ve been feeling letargic as well), but they’re all so pricey =X
Thanks for the opinion Vicky!
Rosie’s Life
Hey rosie,
did my 5 detox days with myself made juices, it takes a bit of time ,but with a good planning and a powerful juicer you can get it done easily and it’s even more fun to get to see all the veggies and fruit you are converting into all the juices! like the amount of carrots per day I was drinking was crazy, 8-9 carrots depending on the color of the juice 🙂
Good luck 🙂
We actually have a DIY recipe for one of the juices from the cleanse coming up on The Daily Dose in January – so that might be interesting for you. But it is surprising how pricey the juices are even if you make them yourself … we were at around 3.50€ for 500ml.
xox Vicky
I will definitely check that out! I thought about getting a juicer myself, but right now that just isn’t an option…
=D Thanks for the tips girls =D
Hi Vicky! Merry Christmas! I’d love to try detox myself but I haven’t found any detox program that delivers in Bremen. Do you know any detox program that delivers in Bremen?
Thanks a lot!
Ich wollte im Sommer eine 3-Tagessaftkur machen, hab aber keinen Anbieter gefunden der nach Ö liefert. Toll, dass ich nun Detox Delight kenne, ich würde das Jahr wahnsinnig gerne mit einer Saftkur beginnen. Das kann ja nie schaden nach all dem guten Weihnachtsessen. 🙂
xoxo Carina
the golden avenue
Hi Vicky,
Ich habe schon zweimal 5 Tage mit Detox Delight gedetoxt und ich war jedes Mal vom Ergebnis begeistert. Ich hatte zwar die ersten Tage auch sehr starke Kopfschmerzen und bin immer früh schlafen gegangen. Im Sommer war es jedoch perfekt, da ich morgens oder abends immer in der Natur Joggen war. Und nicht gefroren habe. Eine tolle Unterstützung, ich war so energiegeladen am dritten Tag. Das beste war jedoch, dass ich noch nie einen so flachen Bauch hatte. Danach wollte ich auch keine riesigen Portionen mehr essen. Das nächste Mal muss ich nur vorher zwei Entlastungstage einlegen, dann ist das Hungergefühl weg. Ich hatte übrigens immer das Juice & Dinner Programm, so köstlich
Thanks for sharing your experiences! The whole detox project sounds really promising, I’ve also come across quite diverse opinions about it. I’d love to give it a try pretty soon in 2015!
Katarina x
Hey Vicky!
Ich finde den Beitrag über den Detox echt interessant, ich habe bisher immer nur Detox à la vegan essen etc. gemacht und nie nur mit Flüssigkeit. Ich würde den Juice-Detox sehr gerne auch mal ausprobieren, finde die Juices aber schon recht teuer. Hast du auch andere Alternativen dafür bzw. kann man sich diese Säfte auch einfach selbst zubereiten? Hast du da Erfahrung mit?
Liebe Grüße
they look delicious
[…] only 2 different recipes. Meaning: 2 of the same juice every day for 3 days. If you take a look at my review from our last detox experience, you’ll quickly see how different all the juices were. I love them all and they all tasted […]
[…] I can tell how cravings start fading by the day. I still remember the first time Kathi and I did our 5 day cleanse back in December 2014. All week, we thought of the wildest things we wanted to eat afterwards. Once […]
[…] the first to admit that when there is a new health fad on the horizon, I am keen to give it a go. Juice cleanses and “detox” had their moment, but now the health gurus have moved on to a new idea: Healthy, balanced meals […]