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OUTFIT: rooftop pool party

OUTFIT: rooftop pool party

Even though we’ve already been in Dallas since Thursday, the RewardStyle Conference only just kicked-off last night. While today is all business with brand meetings and class room sessions, last night was all about yummy drinks and amazing party hosted by Stuart Weitzman. Since it was a rooftop pool party, the invite called for resort style attire. Instead of a typical dress, I opted for patterned pants and my favorite white camisole top from last Summer. Easy breezy and perfect for sipping on a drink or two by the rooftop pool! Wishing you all a wonderful weekend ahead 

#rStheCon rooftop pool party with Stuart Weitzman | Bikinis & Passports

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#rStheCon rooftop pool party with Stuart Weitzman | Bikinis & Passports #rStheCon rooftop pool party with Stuart Weitzman | Bikinis & Passports #rStheCon rooftop pool party with Stuart Weitzman | Bikinis & Passports #rStheCon rooftop pool party with Stuart Weitzman | Bikinis & Passports #rStheCon rooftop pool party with Stuart Weitzman | Bikinis & Passports #rStheCon rooftop pool party with Stuart Weitzman | Bikinis & Passports #rStheCon rooftop pool party with Stuart Weitzman | Bikinis & Passports

ZARA: top & pants


GUCCI: clutch

ANNA IJ: necklaces

BLACK PALMS: golden necklace

J.CREW: bangles

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  • 10 years ago

    Ein tolles Outfit, die Tasche gefällt mir besonders gut, habt noch ein paar schöne Tage in Dallas!
    Liebe Grüße

  • maja
    10 years ago

    your outfits are always such a beautiful surprise! what I like most about your outfits is that they always feel very authentic and very ‘you’.
    one can really see and feel that you love every single piece of your outfits, and this authenticity makes your blog one of the most wonderful blogs I know 🙂

    • vicky
      10 years ago

      Awww <3 DANKE!

  • Kate
    10 years ago

    Wirklich wunderschönes Outfit und Make-up! Allerdings finde ich die Hose ein klein bisschen zu lang. Ich hätte da Angst, dass sie bald kaputt geht oder ich drüber stolpere.

  • 10 years ago

    Dein Outfit sieht großartig aus. Die Hose gefällt mir besonders gut <3 Habt noch viel Spaß in Dallas.

    Liebe Grüße
    Luise |

  • 10 years ago

    Dein Outfit gefällt mir wahnsinnig gut! Die Schuhe passen auch so toll zu deiner Hose. Die beiden Sachen würde ich am liebsten sofort nachkaufen 🙂

  • 10 years ago

    I love your blog for all its aspects but I really love the fact that you always stay true to yourself and give a dress code your own spin. Most people, myself included, would go for a dress or something but you chose to go for a pair of amazing pants!
    Much respect for you Vicky for always dressing like you want to, especially now for such a big event with bloggers from everywhere – I know I’d be nervous as hell, dress trousers skirt whatever, haha.
    Enjoy Dallas 🙂
    xx Lyn

  • 10 years ago

    Wooooow du siehst super aus!!
    ani von ani-hearts

  • 10 years ago

    You for sure did respect the dress code 🙂
    Is the lace part of the top or it’s a bralette? love this delicate touch!

  • 10 years ago

    Love your pants and top!

    || D I A N A ||

  • 10 years ago

    Wunderschönes Outfit. Tolle Farben, schöne Schnitt 🙂 Und die Clutch ist sowieso total super.

  • 10 years ago

    Looks like the perfect outfit for a rooftop pool party! Hope you had a fantastic time

  • 10 years ago

    Super toller Look, die Hose ist einfach der Wahnsinn :-*

  • Marianne
    10 years ago

    hallo Vicky 🙂

    Das Outfit ist einfach spitze!! steht dir alles wunderbar 🙂
    ich liebe deinen neuen haarschnitt! 😀

    weiterhin viel spaß in dallas!!! xoxo

  • 10 years ago

    Tolles Outfit!
    Noch ganz viel Spaß in Dallas 🙂

    Liebe Grüße

  • 10 years ago

    Vicky, die Hosen sind der absolute HAMMER!

  • 10 years ago

    I live in flowy black and white tops like this! Never tried wearing them with patterned flowy trousers before, only shorts. They look great! 🙂

  • 10 years ago

    Das Outfit ist traumhaft schön – ganz besonders die Hose gefällt mir wahnsinnig gut <3

    Liebe Grüße

  • Steffi
    10 years ago

    Deine Frisur steht dir ganz wunderbar! Gefällt mir wirklich sehr gut!

  • 10 years ago

    Das Top mit dem Spitzen-BH darunter sieht toll aus! Und die Kette mit euren Initialen ist so wunderschön♥

    Liebe Grüße

  • 10 years ago

    Dein Outfit sieht super aus! Und passt perfekt zur Pool Party, auch wenn es kein Kleid ist 🙂

  • 10 years ago

    Solche Hosen stehen dir so wahnsinnig gut, du musst die unbedingt öfters tragen 🙂 Generell mal wieder ein toller Look, ich liebe ja die Heels…
    xoxo Carina

    the golden avenue

  • 10 years ago

    Your makeup looks amazing! Love the focus on the eyes!

  • […] recommendations, and you’re bound to have a good time! On Thursday, before the conference kicked-off with the rooftop pool party, we spent the day shopping on McKinney Road. Actually, it was more laughing and taking pictures, […]

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