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Park Hyatt Mallorca

Tucked away along the idyllic hillside of Cap Vermell, the newly opened and first European Park Hyatt resort awaits just 50 minutes from Palma de Mallorca. What feels like a small village in the typical Mallorquin style with a modern touch, is the stunning home to 142 rooms and suites, five restaurants, a relaxing spa, various pools and of course a brand new gym. Even since our trip to the Maldives, I feel drawn to any hotel or resort that carries the name Park Hyatt – of course with fairly high expectations. Luckily they were definitely met during our stay in Mallorca and I am so excited to share lots of images and memories in today’s hotel review of the Park Hyatt Mallorca with you.

Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports

What I liked about the resort

  • One thing that stuck with me the most is the staff. The perfect mix of attentive and professional, yet personal and light-hearted. Considering the hotel has only been open for a bit over 2 months, I think this is exceptional since it usually takes staff a while to get settled in. My favorite encounter was the restaurant manager (or head waiter?) of the Balearic restaurant who explained a lot of typical local dishes and ingredients of the region to us.
  • The rooms are very spacious and all come with a balcony, which we loved! The views over the Canyamel valley are amazing and some of the rooms even have a partial ocean view. No matter what category you book, the rooms all have generously sized bathrooms with rain showers and Bottega Veneta bath products. We stayed in a Park King room, which is the “lowest” category but still so nice and huge with over 50sqm. Pricepoint: the rooms are currently going for 640€ per night with 100€ hotel credit (i.e. for dining or spa) as an opening offer.
  • The main motivation for our stay was pure relaxation. We literally wanted a place where we could spend the entire weekend and the Park Hyatt Mallorca was just what the doctor ordered. With 5 restaurants we were able to have every single meal at the hotel without getting bored or eating the same thing over and over again – except for the seafood paella and gazpacho, which was simply too good not to have twice. My favorite meal of the trip was dinner at Tapas, which also happens to be very popular amongst locals, so be sure to make a reservation there. The breakfast buffet was also picture-perfect with my beloved bircher müsli, huge bowls filled with fresh berries (so rare at hotels) and lots of local specialties as well. Eggs benedict, waffles, pancakes and the likes were available to order fresh.
  • I also really liked the way the resort is laid out. It never feels crowded and I loved getting to do a bit of walking after our feasts.
  • As you’d expect from a 5-star resort, the hair dryer was on point. Unfortunately I don’t remember the brand but it worked really well!
  • If you have some time and enjoy massages, I can highly recommend a visit to their Serenitas Spa. Again, beautiful interior that combines the warm Spanish style with modern accents. We opted for the 60 minute deep-tissue massage (pricepoint: 130€) and loved every second of it. Followed by a stop in the sauna and cozy robes it was a perfect afternoon!

Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports

Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports

What I didn’t like

  • For what we were personally looking for with the weekend getaway to the Park Hyatt Mallorca, this was the perfect choice of hotel and I couldn’t say there was anything in particular I didn’t like. However, if this is your first time visiting Mallorca and you also want to explore the island, just be aware of the fact that you will need a rental car and the drive to Palma is about 50 minutes to 1 hour, depending on traffic.
  • The spacious design of the hotel along the hillside that makes it feel like a small village is one of the things I liked the most, however, if you are not good on foot or are traveling with elders, keep this in mind. Also: lots of stairs!
  • The only thing I would have done differently is the adults-only pool, which is not huge. Of course this makes sense since the family pool is the main pool, but considering how large the resort is and how much space there is, I would have made the pool area slightly larger in general. (By the way, this is me pretending to be an architect and to have any idea about planing a property!)
  • Last but not least, I overheard a man sitting next to us complain about the time it took for orders to arrive. I do agree that it did take a while for things like drinks and food to be delivered, however, to me personally the attentiveness of the waiters is more important than how long it takes from the kitchen. They were always quick to take our order and I think the waiting times will probably decrease once the hotel has been open a bit longer and have all of their processes behind-the-scenes run even smoother.

Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports

Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca - Cap Vermell | Bikinis & Passports

Hotel Review Park Hyatt Mallorca*thanks to Park Hyatt for 2 wonderful nights at the new resort

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  • Lisa
    9 years ago

    Hallo Vicky 🙂
    Schaut wirklich sehr schön aus… die Entspannung kommt dort sicher nicht zu kurz.
    Aber hab ich das richtig verstanden… 640€ PRO NACHT für die niedrigste Zimmerkategorie?
    Das ist schon happig! Aber ja, ist ja auch Park Hyatt und für den Standard wahrscheinlich angemessen.
    Da frisst mich schon ein bissi der Neid in welchen Hotels du deine Urlaube so verbringst 😀 aber genieß es, du hast es dir verdient.
    Liebste Grüße Lisa

    • vicky
      9 years ago

      Liebe Lisa,

      ja genau, das sind 640€ pro Nacht. Ich werde ab sofort die Preise immer als Referenz anführen, da mich ein paar Leser danach gefragt hatten. Hier ist allerdings Frühstück inkludiert und 100€ für weitere Konsumationen (zB Abendessen). Das ist natürlich unglaublich viel Geld, aber für das, was man im Park Hyatt geboten bekommt wieder in Relation. Wir haben eine Einladung für 2 Nächte vom Hotel Hotel bekommen, Massagen und zusätzliche Konsumationen wie zB das Abendessen im Tapas haben wir allerdings selbst gezahlt.

      Ganz liebe Grüße,

  • 9 years ago

    Die Bilder sind wirklich unglaublich schön und das Hotel würde mir super gut gefallen. Aber auch wenn ich echt bereit bin einiges an Geld zu investieren, wären mir 640€ pro Nacht dann doch zu viel. 😉 Derweil genieße ich den Anblick deiner tollen Bilder und freue mich, dass ihr zwei ein tolles Wochenende in dem wunderschönen Hotel hattet <3
    Liebst Kathi

  • Birgit
    9 years ago

    wie immer liebe ich deine hotel-posts und ich find es super, dass du jetzt preise angibst. danke dafür.
    das hotel sieht echt traumhaft schön aus, deine fotos sind wie immer der oberhammer.

  • Lyn
    9 years ago

    If it didn’t cost that much, I would know where to go! It looks so cozy and relaxing 🙂
    xox Lyn

  • 9 years ago

    Wow – unglaublich tolle Bilder. Du hast da wirklich ein richtiges Auge dafür. Ich liebe sie. Und ich finde es super, dass du aufgezeigt hast, was dir gefallen und was dir eben nicht so gut gefallen hat. Man kann sich ein super Bild vom Hotel machen!

  • Dani
    9 years ago

    Jaaaaaaaaaaaa, das ist ein stolzer Preis und schöne Hotels kosten halt was. Ich war im Park Hyatt in Abu Dhabi…es ist schon ein Traum, ein Luxus, dass man sich 1x im Leben (oder zwei, oder dreimal :)) gönnen darf. Wie immer hast du das Hotel super vorgestellt 🙂 definitiv ein tolles Haus

  • 9 years ago

    Das sieht ja wieder Mal nach einem super Hotel und superschönem Urlaub aus! Die Bilder sind echt klasse, wenn ich Mal im Lotto gewinnen sollte, dann weiß ich wahrscheinlich wohin ich als erstes reisen würde! Das Essen sieht übrigens auch super unglaublich aus, vor allem das Frühstück und das Prosciutto, liebe es!
    Mit liebsten Grüßen
    Sandra von

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    Have a nice day

  • 9 years ago

    Wow, was für ein Traumhotel. <3 Auf meiner Liste für die nächste Mallorca-Reise.

    Liebste Grüße,
    Jil von

  • 9 years ago

    Wow das sieht da ja richtig schön aus <3 die Lampe im Hotel oh myyyyy i want!!!! und Kompliment zu deinem Body. Du trainierst wohl sehr brav 🙂 xoxo D&L

  • 8 years ago

    Das PH Mallorca bucht man doch nicht direkt bei Hyatt. Für sowas gibt es doch Secret Escapes 😉

    • vicky
      8 years ago

      Haha guter Input 🙂 Ich sollte definitiv öfter bei Secret Escapes vorbeischauen! War aber trotzdem ein traumhafter Aufenthalt!

      xox Vicky

  • 7 years ago

    Ich bin grad auf diesen Beitrag gestoßen.. Das sieht ja mega aus! Richtig tolle Fotos und das Hotel finde ich optisch total ansprechend!

    Liebe Grüße
    Katja | Follow me on Instagram

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