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FOR THE HOME: chinese garden stool

FOR THE HOME: chinese garden stool

It’s been a while since I’ve updated things around the apartment, the main reason being that everything is basically furnished, so there is no room left for new items. Which is exactly why a chinese garden stool has been on my wishlist for over a year now. I first saw them somewhere on Pinterest and was immediately obsessed. Not the most useful item of furniture, but such a statement piece! Unfortunately, however, I never knew where to put it since there was simply no fitting space. Now, I am currently in the processes of re-doing our entry way in the hopes of creating more storage for shoes and jackets, which will clear up a little spot for the new stool for sure (at least that’s what I told Mike). Until then it is residing in our living room and I couldn’t be happier with the newest addition to our home! Happy Sunday 

FOR THE HOME: silver chinese garden stool  - Bikinis & Passports

FOR THE HOME: silver chinese garden stool  - Bikinis & Passports

FOR THE HOME: silver chinese garden stool  - Bikinis & Passports

FOR THE HOME: silver chinese garden stool  - Bikinis & Passports

FOR THE HOME: silver chinese garden stool  - Bikinis & Passports

PS. I found my chinese garden stool on a while ago and just spotted it in the “Ibiza” sale this morning.


  • 11 years ago

    Deine Wohnung ist einfach so stilvoll und trotzdem gemütlich eingerichtet. Superschön!


    A. von

  • 11 years ago

    Ich will schon sooo lange so einen Hocker für meine Wohnung! Sag ist der recht schwer??
    LG, Andrea

    • vicky
      11 years ago

      Hi Andrea,

      also ich find ihn eigentlich nicht schwer – meiner ist allerdings aus Metal und nicht Keramik (wie zB die Farbigen sind).

      xox Vicky

  • 11 years ago

    Liebe Vicky, ich bin wirklich jedes Mal wieder begeistert was für einen tollen Geschmack du hast – sei es modetechnisch oder in deiner Wohnung. Bin auch schon total gespannt auf euer tdd-office 🙂
    Ganz liebe Grüße, Carina♥

  • 11 years ago

    Love it! You have knack for decor. I love your floral arrangement too. It’s really gorgeous.

  • […] This is the only piece I actually already own. I love our Chinese garden stool in the living room with a bunch of magazines stacked on it, but I think it would be such a good […]

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